Nobel WTF-Prize
Yeah I am probably not the only one wondering but. How the hell DID Barack Obama get the Nobel Peaceprize? Trust me, I have nothing against the guy, he seems to be the best US President that has lived in my lifetime. But still? The only reason I can think of at the moment would be that he hasn’t invaded liberated any new countries since he became president. I guess that deserves a prize.
Yeah I was working on another comic, but then life and stuff came in the way. But ah well, then I know what I’ll be drawing for next Saturday 😉
Oh yeah. I’ve finished Batman – Arkham Asylum. And it is fuckin’ awesome! I like it alot. Surely up there in the top 5 best games this year, but I haven’t really been pondering over that yet. Maybe something worth thinking of when the new year comes. And today I got my copy of Brutal Legend in the mail. I got three words for you…. Tim Fuckin’ Schafer. I’ve just started playing about an hour or so but man. Me like. Me like alot. I am not a big Jack Black fan but still. It’s fuckin’ epic. I hope the game keeps this level of quality all the way though.
uncharted 2 oxå ett av top 5. mindblowing!!! woah!! spelat det ett bra tag. och är ej klar än. och det ser så jävla bra ut och är så jävla kul!! hoppas dom gör uncharted 3!! 😛
haha klockrent!! måste läsa igen imorgon för jag är lite trött just nu :p hehe
haha! Well I agree, the fact that America has recently refrained from the usual amount of “liberating” is refreshing 😛 I mean…that he is attempting to create ‘dialogue’ that will help the Palestinians deserves a prize, or at least some sort of intelligent international recognition and appreciation 🙂
@ Ebbe: jag hörde från annat håll att Uncharted2 skulle visst vara både bättre, bättre o bättre än första spelet o väldigt skoj o lätt att fastna i, måste spana på det en dag 😀
what riddles me is that obama tought it would be nice to the soldiers in iraq to have a leave, and send em to afghanistan instead O_o
ja får mitt brutal nästa vecka när borderlands kommer så den helgen kommer de bli en del spelande:D
själv har jag knarkat ner mig i bad company efter jag köpte det för några dagar sedan xD hittar inte alla guldtackor dock >_<
brutal legend verkar suga balle.
uncharted 2 var kalas. är så spel ska göras. yes indeed.