Dragonball All Nighter
July 31st, 2024

Dragonball All Nighter

I had a bit of a Dragonball Super marathon the other night! Yep, stayed up way too late binging those epic battles and intense training sessions. It was awesome, but I didn’t look forward to the aftermath.

I was absolutely wrecked the next day, barely functioning on minimal sleep. But then, amidst my foggy brain and groggy eyes, inspiration struck! I suddenly had this crazy idea for a comic. I could hardly keep my eyes open, but I had to start sketching it out.

Even though I was a zombie, I had so much fun drawing the comic. It’s amazing how a sleep-deprived brain can sometimes come up with the coolest ideas.

Anyways! Keep being awesome, my dudes!

I love your faces as always!
