Back To Work
July 29th, 2024

Back To Work

As you may or may not know, I went on a 6 weeks holiday to the land down under! We had a very awesome time catching up with family and friends and even got to enjoy a wedding! BUT … I didn’t look forward to flying home, landing in Sweden on Sunday and getting back to work on Monday morning. Nope. I didn’t look forward to that at all.

What made things even MORE fun was the traditionally Swedish tran delays and screw ups in transportation which dragged out the travel time even more. It took us 35 hours from we left where we stayed in ‘Straya to getting home… And I had to work the morning after.

I was wrecked.

But it could have been worse! … I can always get worse.

Anyways! Hope you all are enjoying your Summer / winter holidays depending on where you are, my dudes! I love your faces as always!
