October 31st, 2017


So on the 26th of October at 05:05 our second daughter Clara was born! We’re super happy about it and we love her but, my god, she poops a lot. I mean… A LOT!

You can wake up at 3 a.m. , change her, and the moment you ger her changed she somehow manages to poop even more! And this process can repeat a couple of times before you get to go back to sleep so…. Yeah. That’s fun. She’s super cute otherwise tho and Annika’s super proud to be a big sister. It’ll just be a matter of time before little Clara will make an appearance in the comics too 🙂

So anyway, I’m off to do other things. I’ll talk to you guys later!

Enjoy, slacker dudes and dudettes!

1 Comment

  1. Rateus on January 30th, 2019 at 17:50

    Oh thank God, I thought you were talking about Sam!
