Another Baby!
June 10th, 2017

Another Baby!

Yeah this was the big announcement that I mentioned a week or so ago. We’re having another baby πŸ™‚ Another baby girl! It’s freaking awesome! Even tho I will be completely outnumbered by November. But it’s okay! I can live with that πŸ™‚ Question is which one of the girls will continue with this comicstrip after I pass away? Hmmmmm… King Of Slackers, a legacy comic? Yeah that’d be cool. But obviously I am not going to force my kids to do anything they don’t want to. Obviously. I’m just sayin’ πŸ˜‰

I was first planning on adding Annika into this comicstrip. But when I did and seeing the gun there, it just didn’t feel right. So she’ll sit this one out. I dunno. It’s a dad thing too I guess πŸ™‚

Stay awesome, slacker dudes and dudettes!

1 Comment

  1. Jlsaenz1128 on June 15th, 2017 at 22:31

    Yay! Cthulu has more minions which means more funny moments and BATMANΒ‘!!!!!!
