Bad Influence
November 9th, 2016

Bad Influence

Like I said a couple of comics ago, I want to do more comics with Cthulhu and Annika. The adorable horrific dynamic duo… Kind of like Calvin and Hobbes. Because why not?

I also want to point out that Annika doesn’t swear in real life in case you’d think that. Cthulhu does! Oh and she doesn’t eat the mail men either. Just in case 🙂

Hope you guys enjoyed your Halloween!


  1. cyberskull on November 21st, 2016 at 23:19

    you know i realised you have never made some comic about machine except the fight with ctulu and the ferret zeki

  2. Tobbe on December 8th, 2016 at 20:40

    Nah I’ve been pretty bad at including robots in a major way in the comics. But I’ve got an idea for a story arch in the future so who knows? 😉

  3. cyberskull on November 21st, 2016 at 23:20

    because the machine vs cthulu magic that would be interesting to see.
    ”putting sunglasses on”
