Twitcher – Part 2
March 22nd, 2015

Twitcher – Part 2

Yeah I had to end this Cthulhu Twitch thing somehow, so why not SWAT him? 🙂

So if you don’t know what I am talking about, there’s this thing called “swatting”. Basically some people (viewers of a live steam) try to find out where a Twitch-streamer lives and then makes a fake 911 call to the police. While on the phone with the police these people make up all kind of stories (They can for example claim to be this streamer saying that he/she’s got a gun and is going to kill his/her family), saying whatever it takes for the police to send in a SWAT team to the streamers house and disrupt their live stream.

OBVIOUSLY I don’t have to tell you that this is wrong and NO ONE should EVER do this to anyone. But in the world of comics? Sure 🙂

This must be one of the fiddliest comics to draw to date. I am GLAD that it’s done though 😛 So much pink! So much stuff in the comic at once. BUT it was fun to draw the deflatable mega boob 🙂

Enjoy guys!
