Fuck-a You PETA!
Yeah I know I am a little bit late with this one but screw it! It’s my comic 🙂
Now a little bit of backstory for those who don’t know what I am talking about 🙂 When the latest Super Mario game came out not too long ago, a classic power up item made a comeback. That item is a Tanooki suit that Mario puts on and gives him the power to fly…for some reason.
Now, skinning of Tanooki bears is wrong and a real problem. But seriously, how many gamers do you know that wear fur? I don’t know one. The only people I see wearing fur (except for the ol’ grannys out there) are fashionitas who usually look down at people playing video games. So this campaign seems to be targeting the totally wrong crowd.  Shame on you PETA. And like Mario said. Fuck-a you! 🙂
PETA are nuts for thinking this. Their logic is totally out of order. I think they mostly pulled this stunt purely for a cheap shot at some publicity.
Yeah I know. It is quite insane. But I agree with you, it’s a cheap shot at some publicity. I mean I read in the paper today that Kate Moss wore fur, but noone gives a shit about that. Mario (a fictional character) wears a suit that doesn’t even look like fur, and PETA goes nuts. Just doesn’t seem right to me 🙂